Por causa do novo tour que começaria exatamente em 17 de agosto de 1977,foi confeccionado um novo Jumpsuit,o qual Elvis não chegou a usar.Esse jump,conhecido como Historic Suit,abaixo exibido e a seguir com montagens,nos faz imaginar o quanto Elvis teria ficado espetacular com ele!!!
quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2012
O último Jumpsuit
Por causa do novo tour que começaria exatamente em 17 de agosto de 1977,foi confeccionado um novo Jumpsuit,o qual Elvis não chegou a usar.Esse jump,conhecido como Historic Suit,abaixo exibido e a seguir com montagens,nos faz imaginar o quanto Elvis teria ficado espetacular com ele!!!
O especial Elvis in Concert
in Concert é o nome de um álbum e um especial de televisão ao vivo que
mostra dois dos últimos shows de Elvis Presley gravados em junho de
1977. O álbum foi lançado em outubro, na mesma época da exibição do
"Especial de Televisão" de mesmo nome que foi apresentado na rede CBS e
que virou uma das maiores audiências da história dessa rede americana
até então.
Apesar da condição
física estar obviamente debilitada as suas interpretações são
consideradas espetaculares por aquelas pessoas que ouviram as suas
performances, em vários momentos sua voz lembra a de um cantor
O nome
ELVIS IN CONCERT aparece em formato de águia americana. ELVIS foi e
sempre será um ícone americano e é motivo de orgulho para eles.
Em junho de 1977, foi
anunciado que Elvis tinha assinado um contrato com a CBS-TV para a
realização de um especial, "Elvis in Concert". Era mais uma oportunidade
de aparecer ao vivo em todos os lares dos Estados Unidos, como havia
acontecido em 1968, com "NBC 68", e em 1973, com "Aloha From Hawaii".
turnê, que veio ser a última de sua carreira, começou no dia 17 de
junho em Springfield, Missouri (Hammons Center), e passou por mais nove
o especial "Elvis in Concert", ao contrário do que muitos pensam, não é
o último show de Elvis. As filmagens foram feitas em dois dias
distintos: dia 19, em Omaha (Omaha Civic Center), e dia 21, em Rapid
City (Arena).
Fica claro que o show
do dia 21 é bem superior ao do dia 19. E que os momentos onde Elvis
canta as músicas do anos 50 ele demonstra um visível cansaço, era
evidente que ele não poderia mais cantar esse tipo de música e que ele
só o fazia por insistência dos fãs!
com seu traje "Mexican Sundial", Elvis realizou seu último concerto no
dia 26 de junho para mais de 18 mil fãs no Market Square Arena, em
Indianápolis, sete semanas antes de sua morte, em Graceland, no dia 16
de agosto de 1977.
Um dos macacões mais usados por Elvis.
Datas de shows em que Elvis usou o macacão:
Temporada de Lake Tahoe em 1974
17 de fevereiro de 1977 - Savannah
20 de fevereiro de 1977 - Charlotte
23 de março de 1977 - Tempe
25 de março de 1977 - Norman
27 de março de 1977 - Abilene
29 de março de 1977 - Alexandria
21 de abril de 1977 - Greensboro
22 de abril de 1977 - Detroit
23 de abril de 1977 - Toledo
25 de abril de 1977 - Saginaw
26 de abril de 1977 - Kalamazoo
27 de abril de 1977 - Milwaukee
28 de abril de 1977 - Green Bay
30 de abril de 1977 - St Paul
02 de maio de 1977 - Chicago
03 de maio de 1977 - Saginaw
20 de maio de 1977 - Knosville
21 de maio de 1977 - Louisville
22 de maio de 1977 - Largo
23 de maio de 1977 - Providence
24 de maio de 1977 - Augusta
25 de maio de 1977 - Rochester
26 de maio de 1977 - Binghamton
27 de maio de 1977 - Binghamton
28 de maio de 1977 - Philadelphia
29 de maio de 1977 - Blatimore
30 de maio de 1977 - Jacksonville
31 de maio de 1977 - Baton Rouge
01 de junho de 1977 - Macon
02 de junho de 1977 - Mobile
17 de junho de 1977 - Springfield
19 de junho de 1977 - Omaha
20 de junho de 1977 - Lincoln
21 de junho de 1977 - Rapid City
22 de junho de 1977 - Sioux Falls
23 de junho de 1977 - Des Moines
24 de junho de 1977 - Madison
25 de junho de 1977 - Cincinnati
26 de junho de 1977 - Indianapolis
Inicialmente pensado
para dezembro, o programa especial Elvis in Concert foi levado ao ar em
outubro e registrou uma das maiores audiências da história da rede
americana CBS.
Ainda que portador de imagens constrangedoras de sua fisionomia e condições físicas, o programa mostrou-nos um profissional despojado e empenhado em tentar superar-se e apresentar-se da melhor forma possível. Entretanto, o que poderia ter sido uma catástrofe para a sua carreira em vida, emocionou um mundo saudoso e agradecido.
Ainda que portador de imagens constrangedoras de sua fisionomia e condições físicas, o programa mostrou-nos um profissional despojado e empenhado em tentar superar-se e apresentar-se da melhor forma possível. Entretanto, o que poderia ter sido uma catástrofe para a sua carreira em vida, emocionou um mundo saudoso e agradecido.
Elvis está bem melhor do
que Omaha e se movimentando mais. A CBS não colocou o show na íntegra
em seu Especial, as imagens dos shows completos ficaram escondidas por
vários anos.
Quando surgiram as primeiras cópias, eram em VHS, com uma qualidade horrível. Com o surgimento da Internet apareceram imagens com ótima qualidade onde os fãs poderiam fazer o download.
Quando surgiram as primeiras cópias, eram em VHS, com uma qualidade horrível. Com o surgimento da Internet apareceram imagens com ótima qualidade onde os fãs poderiam fazer o download.
Dentre as imagens que
não foram ao especial está um momento em que Elvis faz o seguinte
comentário: “...vocês acham que estou nervoso?” em seguida responde:
“...sim estou”.
Assim como foi feito no Comeback, o especial de 77 teve seu álbum que incluiu até os comentários dos fãs. O álbum é muito bom e prova que apesar de tudo, sua voz continuava poderosa e encantava a todos com a força de sua interpretação.
Assim como foi feito no Comeback, o especial de 77 teve seu álbum que incluiu até os comentários dos fãs. O álbum é muito bom e prova que apesar de tudo, sua voz continuava poderosa e encantava a todos com a força de sua interpretação.
O ano de 1977 deveria
ser marcado pela grande “virada” na carreira de Elvis! O Rei tinha
planos de dispensar seu empresário Coronel Parker e ousar outros rumos,
quem sabe até uma tour mundial!
No início do ano foi tirar férias no Hawaii, local que o Rei nutria muito carinho, principalmente pelas pessoas que recebiam seus turistas ilustres! Se por um lado tinha planos para melhorar sua carreira, por outro previa algo pior...a própria morte.
No início do ano foi tirar férias no Hawaii, local que o Rei nutria muito carinho, principalmente pelas pessoas que recebiam seus turistas ilustres! Se por um lado tinha planos para melhorar sua carreira, por outro previa algo pior...a própria morte.
Já nos primeiros meses de 1977 preparava seu testamento aos 42 anos de idade, ainda muito jovem para pensar nisso!
Quando seus guarda- costas Sony e Red West lançaram o livro “Elvis What
Happended”, Elvis se viu na obrigação de mostrar ao mundo de que estava
bem e que o conteúdo do livro era puramente sensacionalista. Nem tudo
no livro era sensacionalista, o que gerou muito apreensão entre os fãs.
especial foi ao ar em outubro 1977, dois meses após a morte de Elvis, e
deu a CBS uma das maiores audiências de sua história. Os Estados Unidos
em peso tiveram a oportunidade de assistir aos últimos shows de Elvis.
No final do programa, foi apresentado um pequeno trecho com Vernon
Presley que, muito abatido, agradeceu o carinho dos fãs naquele momento
tão difícil.
que um especial, "Elvis in Concert" é um momento raro na história
televisiva norte americana e mundial, pois levou para a posteridade os
últimos momentos do Rei do Rock nos palcos provando, mais uma vez, sua
O áudio da canção
"Unchained Melody" gravada no show do dia 21 só foi lançada em março de
1978 em um compacto simples com "Softly, As I Leave You" no "lado B".
Nos dias atuais essa versão é considerada uma das melhores e mais famosas interpretações de Elvis Presley em toda a sua carreira. Pode ser dito que a imagem de Elvis ao piano com a câmera focalizando-o em detalhe, é uma das mais associadas com sua imagem em todos os tempos .
Nos dias atuais essa versão é considerada uma das melhores e mais famosas interpretações de Elvis Presley em toda a sua carreira. Pode ser dito que a imagem de Elvis ao piano com a câmera focalizando-o em detalhe, é uma das mais associadas com sua imagem em todos os tempos .
A introdução de 2001 ecoa, a
imagem do mito, do Rei surge na tela ao lado de Joe Esposito! ELVIS
sabe que este Especial é mais um marco em sua carreira! Ao todo foram 3
em sua carreira, o primeiro chamado de apenas "ELVIS" em 1968, o segundo
"ALOHA FROM HAWAII" em 1973 e este realizado pela CBS.
Fonte: http://familiaelvis.webnode.com.br
A Elvis Week,2012
Ser fã significa ter uma certa paixão por um ídolo,coisa que nos dias de hoje,ser um ídolo é bem dificil de se ver,pois a palavra Carisma esta cada vez mais esquecida!Vemos hoje,astros que permanecem na cena cultural,alguns ate ficam por um bom tempo,outros tem seu momento e simplesmente,somem.Aquela coisa louca,de colecionar ,recortar ,fazer albinhos de fotos e todas essas manias,hoje,ja não vemos mais.
Existem muitos fan clubes de Elvis no Brasil,eu não conheço todos mas existem aqueles que durante um tempo eu mantive contato,fiz amigos.Existem tambem os presidentes desses fan clubes.Nessa Elvis Week,um grupo se reuniu para ir a Graceland,pessoas de outros fan clubes,unidas e movidas por esse estranho amor que economizaram,ate se endividaram para realizar um sonho:conhecer a casa do nosso King.
Entre tantos fan clubes brasileiros,gostaria de mencionar o Elvis Kingdom,da amiga Re Presley.Re organizou esse tour a Memphis,levando alem dos fas de Curitiba,outros de São Paulo ,Rio e outros estados.Muita emoção e alegria nos rostos de todos.Faz-me lembrar do filme That's the way it is,onde haviam muitas cenas mostrando os fans....aquela emoção e sinceridade,nunca morre!
Desde a caprichosa organização das blusas ate os mais variados banners e inclusive uma bandeira de nosso pais com nomes escritos de tantos fans que não poderiam restar ali,uma homenagem muito bacana!
Ainda se deram ao carinho de escrever nos muros de Graceland,os nossos nomes,deixando la um pouco de nosso carinho tambem,carinho que nunca morre e que torna Elvis cada vez mais vivo,por seu carisma e sua obra!
![]() |
Re Presley |
Dalva Amaral:apenas uma fan!
O Testamento de Elvis
Quando Elvis percebeu que estava perdendo o controle das coisas,aguardou ate o tour que fazia terminar e foi assinar o seu testamento,preparado por seu advogado,em Memphis.
O documento continha 13 páginas e foi levado ate Graceland para ele assinar.Era o dia 03 de Março,e ele assinou,na presença de tres testemunhas:Ginger,Charlie Hodge e uma prima de Elvis.
Foram nomeados tres beneficiarios:sua filha,seu pai e sua avó.O administrador seria Vernon,com a responsabilidade deprovidenciar assistencia financeira aos demais parentes,no caso de alguma emergencia.Essa generosidade se encerraria apos a morte de Vernon.
Observa-se que ninguem mais foi mencionado:nem Ginger,nem Priscilla,nem um empregado,amigo ou Instituição Filantrópica....
Abaixo vejam a integra do documento:
Last Will And Testament Of Elvis A. Presley, Deceased
Filed August 22, 1977
Last Will And Testament of Elvis Presley
I, Elvis A. Presley, a resident and citizen of Shelby County,
Tennessee, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby
make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and
testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and codicils by me
at any time heretofore made.
Filed August 22, 1977
Last Will And Testament of Elvis Presley
I, Elvis A. Presley, a resident and citizen of Shelby County,
Tennessee, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby
make, publish and declare this instrument to be my last will and
testament, hereby revoking any and all wills and codicils by me
at any time heretofore made.
Item I
Debts, Expenses and TaxesI direct my Executor, hereinafter named, to pay all of my
matured debts and my funeral expenses, as well as the costs and
expenses of the administration of my estate, as soon after my
death as practicable. I further direct that all estate,
inheritance, transfer and succession taxes which are payable by
reason under this will, be paid out of my residuary estate; and
I hereby waive on behalf of my estate any right to recover from
any person any part of such taxes so paid. My Executor, in his
sole discretion, may pay from my domiciliary estate all or any
portion of the costs of ancillary administration and similar
proceedings in other jurisdictions.
Item II
Instruction Concerning Personal Property: Enjoyment in SpecieI anticipate that included as a part of my property and estate
at the time of my death will be tangible personal property of
various kinds, characters and values, including trophies and
other items accumulated by me during my professional career. I
hereby specifically instruct all concerned that my Executor,
herein appointed, shall have complete freedom and discretion as
to disposal of any and all such property so long as he shall act
in good faith and in the best interest of my estate and my
beneficiaries, and his discretion so exercised shall not be
subject to question by anyone whomsoever.
I hereby expressly authorize my Executor and my Trustee,
respectively and successively, to permit any beneficiary of any
and all trusts created hereunder to enjoy in specie the use or
benefit of any household goods, chattels, or other tangible
personal property (exclusive of choses in action, cash, stocks, bonds or other securities) which either my Executor or my
Trustees may receive in kind, and my Executor and my Trustees
shall not be liable for any consumption, damage, injury to or
loss of any tangible property so used, nor shall the
beneficiaries of any trusts hereunder or their executors of
administrators be liable for any consumption, damage, injury to
or loss of any tangible personal property so used.
Item III
Real EstateIf I am the owner of any real estate at the time of my death, I
instruct and empower my Executor and my Trustee (as the case may
be) to hold such real estate for investment, or to sell same, or
any portion therof, as my Executor or my Trustee (as the case
may be) shall in his sole judgment determine to be for the best
interest of my estate and the beneficiaries thereof.
Item IV
Residuary TrustAfter payment of all debts, expenses and taxes as directed under
Item I hereof, I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest,
residue, and remainder of my estate, including all lapsed
legacies and devices, and any property over which I have a power
of appointment, to my Trustee, hereinafter named, in trust for
the following purposes:
(a) The Trustees is directed to take, hold, manage, invest and
reinvent the corpus of the trust and to collect the income
therefrom in accordance with the rights, powers, duties,
authority and discretion hereinafter set forth. The Trustee is
directed to pay all the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in
the management of the trust estate out of the income thereof.
(b) After payment of all expenses, taxes and costs incurred in
the management of the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in the
management of the trust estate, the Trustee is authorizes to
accumulate the net income or to pay or apply so much of the net
income and such portion of the principal at any time and from
time to time to time for health, education, support, comfortable
maintenance and welfare of: (1) My daughter, Lisa
Marie Presley, and any other lawful issue I might have, (2) my
grandmother, Minnie Mae Presley, (3) my father, Vernon E.
Presley, and (4) such other relatives of mine living at the time
of my death who in the absolute discretion of my Trustees are in
need of emergency assistance for any of the above mentioned
purposes and the Trustee is able to make such distribution
without affecting the ability of the trust to meet the present
needs of the first three numbered categories of beneficiaries
herein mentioned or to meet the reasonably expected future needs
of the first three classes of beneficiaries herein mentioned.
Any decision of the Trustee as to whether or not distribution,
to any of the persons described hereunder shall be final and
conclusive and not subject to question by any legatee or
beneficiary hereunder.
reinvent the corpus of the trust and to collect the income
therefrom in accordance with the rights, powers, duties,
authority and discretion hereinafter set forth. The Trustee is
directed to pay all the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in
the management of the trust estate out of the income thereof.
(b) After payment of all expenses, taxes and costs incurred in
the management of the expenses, taxes and costs incurred in the
management of the trust estate, the Trustee is authorizes to
accumulate the net income or to pay or apply so much of the net
income and such portion of the principal at any time and from
time to time to time for health, education, support, comfortable
maintenance and welfare of: (1) My daughter, Lisa
Marie Presley, and any other lawful issue I might have, (2) my
grandmother, Minnie Mae Presley, (3) my father, Vernon E.
Presley, and (4) such other relatives of mine living at the time
of my death who in the absolute discretion of my Trustees are in
need of emergency assistance for any of the above mentioned
purposes and the Trustee is able to make such distribution
without affecting the ability of the trust to meet the present
needs of the first three numbered categories of beneficiaries
herein mentioned or to meet the reasonably expected future needs
of the first three classes of beneficiaries herein mentioned.
Any decision of the Trustee as to whether or not distribution,
to any of the persons described hereunder shall be final and
conclusive and not subject to question by any legatee or
beneficiary hereunder.
(f) If any of my children for whose benefit a trust has been
created hereunder should die before attaining the age of twenty-
five (25) years, then the trust created for such a child shall
terminate on his death, and all remaining assets then contained
in said trust shall be distributed outright and free of further
trust and in equal shares to the surviving issue of such
deceased child but subject to the provisions of Item V herein;
but if there be no such surviving issue , then to the brothers
and sisters of such deceased child in equal shares, the issue of
any other deceased child being entitled collectively to their
deceased parent's share. Nevertheless, if any distribution
otherwise becomes payable outright and free of trust under the
provisions of this paragraph (f) of the Item IV of my will to a
beneficiary for whom the Trustee is then administering a trust
for the benefit of such beneficiary under provisions of this
last will and testament, such distribution shall not be paid
outright to such beneficiary but shall be added to and become a
part of the trust so being administered for such beneficiary by
the Trustee.
created hereunder should die before attaining the age of twenty-
five (25) years, then the trust created for such a child shall
terminate on his death, and all remaining assets then contained
in said trust shall be distributed outright and free of further
trust and in equal shares to the surviving issue of such
deceased child but subject to the provisions of Item V herein;
but if there be no such surviving issue , then to the brothers
and sisters of such deceased child in equal shares, the issue of
any other deceased child being entitled collectively to their
deceased parent's share. Nevertheless, if any distribution
otherwise becomes payable outright and free of trust under the
provisions of this paragraph (f) of the Item IV of my will to a
beneficiary for whom the Trustee is then administering a trust
for the benefit of such beneficiary under provisions of this
last will and testament, such distribution shall not be paid
outright to such beneficiary but shall be added to and become a
part of the trust so being administered for such beneficiary by
the Trustee.
Item V
Distribution to Minor ChildrenIf any share of corpus of any trust established under this will
become distributable outright and free of trust to any
beneficiary before said beneficiary has attained the age of
eighteen (18) years, then said share shall immediately vest in
said beneficiary, but the Trustee shall retain possession of
such share during the period in which such beneficiary is under
the age of eighteen (18) years, and, in the meantime, shall use
and expend so much of the income and principal for the care,
support, and education of such beneficiary, and any income not
so expended with respect to each share so retained all the power
and discretion had with respect to such trust generally.
Item VI
Alternate DistributeesIn the event that all of my descendants should be deceased at
any time prior to the time for the termination of the trusts
provided for herein, then in such event all of my estate and all
the assets of every trust to be created hereunder (as the case
may be) shall then distributed outright in equal shares to my
heirs at law per stripes.
Item VII
Unenforceable ProvisionsIf any provisions of this will are unenforceable, the remaining
provisions shall, nevertheless, be carried into effect.
Life InsuranceIf my estate is the beneficiary of any life insurance on my
life at the time of my death, I direct that the proceeds
therefrom will be used by my Executor in payment of the debts ,
expenses and taxes listed in Item I of this will, to the extent
deemed advisable by the Executor. All such proceeds not so used
are to be used by my Executor for the purpose of satisfying the
devises and bequests contained in Item IV herein.
Item IX
Spendthrift ProvisionI direct that the interest of any beneficiary in principal or
income of any trust created hereunder shall not be subject to
claims of creditors or others, nor to legal process, and may not
be voluntarily or involuntarily alienated or encumbered except as
herein provided. Any bequests contained herein for any female
shall be for her sole and separate use, free from the debts,
contracts and control of any husband she may ever have.
Item XI
Executor and TrusteeI appoint as executor of this, my last will and testament, and
as Trustee of every trust required to be created hereunder, my
said father.
I hereby direct that my said father shall be entitled by his
last will ant testament, duly probated, to appoint a successor
Executor of my estate, as well as a successor Trustee or
successor Trustees of all the trusts to be created under my last
will and testament.
If, for any reason, my said father be unable to serve or to
continue to serve as Executor and/or as Trustee, or if he be
deceased and shall not have appointed a successor Executor or
Trustee, by virtue of his last will and testament as stated
-above, then I appoint National Bank of Commerce, Memphis,
Tennessee, or its successor or the institution with which it may
merge, as successor Executor and/or as successor Trustee of all
trusts required to be established hereunder.
None of the appointees named hereunder,including any appointment
made by virtue of the last will and testament of my said father,
shall be required to furnish any bond or security for
performance of the respective fiduciary duties required
hereunder, notwithstanding any rule of law to the contrary.
Item XII
Powers, Duties, Privileges and Immunities of the TrusteeExcept as otherwise stated expressly to the contrary herein, I
give and grant to the said Trustee (and to the duly appointed
successor Trustee when acting as such) the power to do
everything he deems advisable with respect to the administration
of each trust required to be established under this, my last
will and Testament, even though such powers would not be
authorized or appropriate for the Trustee under statutory or
other rules of law. By way of illustration and not in
limitation of the generality of the foregoing grant of power and
authority of the Trustee, I give and grant to him plenary power
as follows:
a) To exercise all those powers authorized to fiduciaries under
the provisions of the Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 35-616
to 35-618, inclusive, including any amendments thereto in effect
at the time of my death, and the same are expressly referred to
and incorporated herein by reference.
the provisions of the Tennessee Code Annotated, Sections 35-616
to 35-618, inclusive, including any amendments thereto in effect
at the time of my death, and the same are expressly referred to
and incorporated herein by reference.
(b) Plenary power is granted to the Trustee, not only to relieve
him from seeking judicial instruction, but to the extent that
the Trustee deems it to be prudent, to encourage determinations
freely to be made in favor of persons who are the current income
beneficiaries. In such instances the rights of all subsequent
beneficiaries are subordinate, and the Trustee shall not be
answerable to any subsequent beneficiary for anything done or
omitted in favor of a current income beneficiary may compel any
such favorable or preferential treatment. Without in anywise
minimizing or impairing the scope of this declaration of intent,
it includes investment policy, exercise of discretionary power
to pay or apply principal and income, and determination
principal and income questions;
him from seeking judicial instruction, but to the extent that
the Trustee deems it to be prudent, to encourage determinations
freely to be made in favor of persons who are the current income
beneficiaries. In such instances the rights of all subsequent
beneficiaries are subordinate, and the Trustee shall not be
answerable to any subsequent beneficiary for anything done or
omitted in favor of a current income beneficiary may compel any
such favorable or preferential treatment. Without in anywise
minimizing or impairing the scope of this declaration of intent,
it includes investment policy, exercise of discretionary power
to pay or apply principal and income, and determination
principal and income questions;
(c) It shall be lawful for the Trustee to apply any sum that is
payable to or for the benefit of a minor (or any other person
who in the Judgment of the Trustee, is incapable of making
proper disposition thereof) by payments in discharge of the
costs and expenses of educating, maintaining and supporting said
beneficiary, or to make payment to anyone with whom said
beneficiary resides or who has the care or custody of the
beneficiary, temporarily or permanently, all without
intervention of any guardian or like fiduciary. The receipt of
anyone to whom payment is so authorized to be made shall be a
complete discharge of the Trustees without obligation on his
part to see to the further application hereto, and without
regard to other resource that the beneficiary may have, or the
duty of any other person to support the beneficiary;
payable to or for the benefit of a minor (or any other person
who in the Judgment of the Trustee, is incapable of making
proper disposition thereof) by payments in discharge of the
costs and expenses of educating, maintaining and supporting said
beneficiary, or to make payment to anyone with whom said
beneficiary resides or who has the care or custody of the
beneficiary, temporarily or permanently, all without
intervention of any guardian or like fiduciary. The receipt of
anyone to whom payment is so authorized to be made shall be a
complete discharge of the Trustees without obligation on his
part to see to the further application hereto, and without
regard to other resource that the beneficiary may have, or the
duty of any other person to support the beneficiary;
d) In Dealing with the Trustee, no grantee, pledge, vendee,
mortgage, lessee or other transference of the trust properties,
or any part therof, shall be bound to inquire with respect to
the purpose or necessity of any such disposition or to see to
the application of any consideration therefore paid to the
(a) If at any time the Trustee shall have reasonable doubt as to
his power, authority or duty in the administration of any trust
herein created, it shall be lawful for the Trustee to obtain the
advice and counsel of reputable legal counsel without resorting
to the courts for instructions; and the Trustee shall be fully
absolved from all liability and damage or detriment to the
various trust estates of any beneficiary thereunder by reason of
anything done, suffered or omitted pursuant to advice of said
counsel given and obtained in good faith, provided that nothing
contained herein shall be construed to prohibit or prevent the
Trustee in all proper cases from applying to a court of
competent jurisdiction for instructions in the administration
of the trust assets in lieu of obtaining advice of counsel.
mortgage, lessee or other transference of the trust properties,
or any part therof, shall be bound to inquire with respect to
the purpose or necessity of any such disposition or to see to
the application of any consideration therefore paid to the
Concerning the Trustee and the Executor(a) If at any time the Trustee shall have reasonable doubt as to
his power, authority or duty in the administration of any trust
herein created, it shall be lawful for the Trustee to obtain the
advice and counsel of reputable legal counsel without resorting
to the courts for instructions; and the Trustee shall be fully
absolved from all liability and damage or detriment to the
various trust estates of any beneficiary thereunder by reason of
anything done, suffered or omitted pursuant to advice of said
counsel given and obtained in good faith, provided that nothing
contained herein shall be construed to prohibit or prevent the
Trustee in all proper cases from applying to a court of
competent jurisdiction for instructions in the administration
of the trust assets in lieu of obtaining advice of counsel.
(b) In managing, investing, and controlling the various trust
estates, the Trustee shall exercise the judgment and care under
the circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence
discretion and judgment exercise in the management of their own
affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the
permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable
income as well as the probable safety of their capital, and, in
addition, the purchasing power of income distribution to
estates, the Trustee shall exercise the judgment and care under
the circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence
discretion and judgment exercise in the management of their own
affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the
permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable
income as well as the probable safety of their capital, and, in
addition, the purchasing power of income distribution to
(c) My Trustee (as well as my Executor) shall be entitled to
reasonable and adequate and adequate compensation for the
fiduciary services rendered by him.
reasonable and adequate and adequate compensation for the
fiduciary services rendered by him.
(d) My Executor and his successor Executor and his successor
Executor shall have the same rights, privileges, powers and
immunities herein granted to my Trustee wherever appropriate.
Executor shall have the same rights, privileges, powers and
immunities herein granted to my Trustee wherever appropriate.
e) In referring to any fiduciary hereunder, for purposes of
construction, masculine pronouns may include a corporate
fiduciary and neutral pronouns may include an individual
construction, masculine pronouns may include a corporate
fiduciary and neutral pronouns may include an individual
Item XIV
Law Against Perpetuities(a) Having in mind the rule against perpetuities, I direct that
(notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in this last
will and testament) each trust created under this will (except
such trust created under this will (except such trusts as have
heretofore vested in compliance with such rule or law) shall
end, unless sooner terminated under other provisions of this
will, twenty-one (21) years after the death of the last survivor
of such of the beneficiaries hereunder as are living at the time
of my death; and thereupon that the property held in trust shall
be distributed free of all trust to the persons then entitled to
receive the income and/or principal therefrom, in the proportion
in proportion in which they are then entitled to receive such
(b) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this will to the
contrary, I direct that if any distribution under this will
become payable to a person for whom the Trustee is then
administering a trust created hereunder for the benefit of such
person, such distribution shall be made to such trust and not to
the beneficiary outright, and the funds so passing to such trust
shall become a part thereof as corpus and be administered and
distributed to the same extent and purpose as if such funds had
been a part of such a trust at its inception.
contrary, I direct that if any distribution under this will
become payable to a person for whom the Trustee is then
administering a trust created hereunder for the benefit of such
person, such distribution shall be made to such trust and not to
the beneficiary outright, and the funds so passing to such trust
shall become a part thereof as corpus and be administered and
distributed to the same extent and purpose as if such funds had
been a part of such a trust at its inception.
Item XV
Payment of Estate and Inheritance TaxesNotwithstanding the provisions of Item X herein, I authorize my
Executor to use such sums received by my estate after my death
and resulting from my personal services as identified in Item X
as he deem necessary and advisable in order to pay the taxes
referred to in Item I of my said will.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, I, the said ELVIS A. PRESLEY, do hereunto
set my hand and seal in the presence of two (2) competent
witnesses, and in their presence do publish and declare this
instrument to be my Last Will and Testament, this 3 day of
March, 1977.
[Signed by Elvis A. Presley]
The foregoing instrument, consisting of this and eleven (11)
preceding typewritten pages, was signed, sealed, published and
declared by ELVIS A.PRESLEY, the Testator, to be his Last Will
and Testament, in our presence, and we, at his request and in
his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto
subscribed our names as witnesses, this 3 day of March, 1977, at
Memphis, Tennessee.
[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden residing at 4152 Royal Crest Place
[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge residing at 3764 Elvis Presley Blvd.
[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith residing at 2237 Court Avenue.
State of Tennessee
County of Shelby
Ginger Alden, Charles F. Hodge, and Ann Dewey Smith, after being
first duly sworn, make oath or affirm that the foregoing Last
Will and Testament, in the sight and presence of us, the
undersigned, who at his request and in his sight and presence,
and in the sight and presence of each other, have subscribed our
names as attesting witnesses on the 3 day of March, 1977, and we
further make oath or affirm that the Testator was of sound mind
and disposing memory and not acting under fraud, menace or undue
influence of any person, and was more than eighteen (18) years
of age; and that each of the attesting witnesses is more than
eighteen (18) years of age.
[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden
[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge
[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith
Sworn To And Subscribed before me this 3 day of March, 1977.
Drayton Beecker Smith II Notary Public
My commission expires:
August 8, 1979
Admitted to probate and Ordered Recorded August 22, 1977
Joseph W. Evans, Judge
Recorded August 22, 1977
B.J. Dunavant, Clerk
By: Jan Scott, D.C.
County of Shelby
Ginger Alden, Charles F. Hodge, and Ann Dewey Smith, after being
first duly sworn, make oath or affirm that the foregoing Last
Will and Testament, in the sight and presence of us, the
undersigned, who at his request and in his sight and presence,
and in the sight and presence of each other, have subscribed our
names as attesting witnesses on the 3 day of March, 1977, and we
further make oath or affirm that the Testator was of sound mind
and disposing memory and not acting under fraud, menace or undue
influence of any person, and was more than eighteen (18) years
of age; and that each of the attesting witnesses is more than
eighteen (18) years of age.
[Signed by Ginger Alden]
Ginger Alden
[Signed by Charles F. Hodge]
Charles F. Hodge
[Signed by Ann Dewey Smith]
Ann Dewey Smith
Sworn To And Subscribed before me this 3 day of March, 1977.
Drayton Beecker Smith II Notary Public
My commission expires:
August 8, 1979
Admitted to probate and Ordered Recorded August 22, 1977
Joseph W. Evans, Judge
Recorded August 22, 1977
B.J. Dunavant, Clerk
By: Jan Scott, D.C.
Fonte:Familia Elvis/Elvis,mito e realidade(Mauricio Camargo de Brito)
sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2012
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012
O que é a Elvis Presley Enterprises
Poucos anos apos a morte de Elvis,em 1977,a propriedade e direitos sobre a musica e a imagem de Elvis ficaram sob o controle de um conselho administrativo numa relação de confiança,liderado por Priscilla.
Com isso veio um plano de negócios,para fazer da memória e músicas do King a disposição de seus fans.Jack Souden que já estava desde o inicio em Memphis,ajudou Priscilla e os outros curadores a criar a acessibilidade em todo o legado.
Soden ajudou a formar a Elvis Presley Enterprises(EPE) e quando Lisa Marie fez 25 anos,tendo assim o direito de ter acesso a tudo que seu pai lhe deixou,assumiu a presidencia da EPE,logo depois em 1993.
Agora,envolvida em atividades que vão desde concessões de licenças de varios negócios até para Fundações de Caridade,a EPE é uma empresa privada que pertence exclusivamente a familia Presley.
Joe Dimuro é o vice-presidente executivo da BMG e tambem responsavel pelo catalogo de Elvis.
A empresa cresceu muito nesses ultimos anos,gerando assim empregos para muitas pessoas.Imaginem que se hoje Graceland tivesse que fechar as portas por não dar mais lucro,a EPE continuaria a ser de extrema importancia,por dar suporte a parte musical de licenciamentos,editoras e varios outros negocios.
O objetivo da EPE é atrair novos fans e vem trabalhando nisso desde os anos 80,trazendo uma imagem específica de Elvis,divulgando intensamente para o publico mais jovem.
Entre 1980 e 1990,a EPE fez varios videos que disponibilizam para a Disney Channel,agora,crianças daquela época ja estão com 20,30 anos,e compram e curtem Elvis.Esses novos fans visitam Graceland em massa!
Existe tambem a Elvis.com,o site oficial da EPEque tem fixado quase um milhão de acessos de visitantes POR MES....
Como podem ver os fans, Elvis ainda e sempre é um ótimo negócio!
As Estátuas de Elvis
Nesse mes que lembramos da passagem de Elvis Presley para o Mundo Espiritual,aproveitei para reunir nesse Post,algumas,das deversas estátuas que existem em homenagem a ele,em seu país e no mundo afora.Algumas são incrivelmente perfeitas,outras simples mas o mais interessante que podemos observar é que são sempre bem cuidadas e que estão sempre cheias de flores!!!
Memphis, Tennessee
Las Vegas
Cirque du Soleil
Alemanha (Memoriais)
Postagens (Atom)